Elegant designet agernsølvkugle og agernlås, sammensat med en spændende og glimtende glaskugle i efterårets løvfarver. Armbåndet ligger på en bund af træ og mos
Designer Bracelet

Bracelet of Potential

"The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn." - Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Think positive – and go for it.

Take one small step, and another, and another. Eventually, you will get where you want to go. When you plant a seed for happiness, success, and love, it will come back to you in abundance. Sometimes all you need is a little patience.

Bracelet of Potential

Embrace the season with a positive message and a new piece of jewellery.

The new sterling silver bracelet has acorns elegantly designed into a silver bead and clasp, along with an intriguing and shimmering glass bead in the foliage colours of autumn.

Mix & Match

Start your Trollbeads journey with a designer bracelet fully equipped with beads, chain, and clasps.
You can always add to the bracelet or reuse elements in different combinations and design your own look. Explore other beads and clasps for inspiration.